Frequently Asked Questions About Selling Used Luxury Handbags
Fashion-based luxury purchases like Rolex watches or designer handbags can be incredibly fun and gratifying to purchase, whether they represent your financial successes or simply your love for a specific designer. There are many reasons why fashion lovers choose to collect luxury handbags, and just as many reasons why they decide to sell them.
Whether you’ve lost interest in an out-of-style trend piece or you need to part with your timeless beauty for some quick extra cash, you can turn your closet cleanout into thousands of dollars and sell used luxury handbags to a trusted reseller like Watch & Wares Couture.
Can I Resell My Designer Handbags?
Many buyers of luxury handbags are surprised to learn that their bags retain some of their value over time, and even decades-old vintage pieces can be resold once you no longer want to keep them in your closet.
Of course, as with anything, the value that you’re able to get for your used luxury bags will depend on the brand, style, and any damage present. If the bag is too damaged or there’s no demand for that particular bag, you may struggle to find someone willing to purchase the bag from you. However, for the most part, you can sell any used luxury handbag in your collection for some percentage of the original retail value — and, in some cases, for more than the original retail value.
How Much Should I Sell My Used Luxury Handbags For?
Once you decide that you want to sell your bag, you need to discern how much money you can realistically get for it. Knowing the worth of your item before you begin looking for buyers will help you avoid being taken advantage of and ensure that you receive a fair value for your luxury goods.
Do your research on the bag’s style and browse secondhand sites or stores to see how much similar bags are selling for. Keep in mind that the age of the bag, the color of the bag, and how much wear and tear the bag has are all factors that will significantly affect its resale value.
Newer bags, of course, will often be worth more than their older counterparts. Bags in neutral colors such as black and nude will also sell for more money than bright colors. Bag styles that have been manufactured for years and are permanent fixtures in the brand’s line will also likely have a higher value than seasonal styles unless they’re a rare, special edition piece with increased demand.
Generally, the three brands that will hold their value the most, regardless of bag style, are Hermès, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. Hermès Birkins, Hermès Kelleys, and Chanel Classic Flaps are the three bag styles that will consistently sell for almost their full retail price on the secondhand market; they’ll often sell for significantly more than their original retail price due to exclusivity.
How Can I Sell My Used Luxury Handbags?
Once you have an idea of what you can expect to earn for your used luxury handbags, you’ll need to find a place to sell them. Selling luxury handbags can be trickier than expected due to the prevalence of counterfeit bags online and even occasionally in secondhand stores.
“Superfakes” are almost-perfect replicas that can barely be differentiated from the authentic bags unless inspected by a professional, so beware when purchasing or selling bags online. Selling independently on sites like eBay can also be risky for sellers because some buyers report not receiving an authentic bag or not receiving an item at all to receive a full refund for the luxury good. This can leave sellers high and dry, so it’s safest to sell to a trusted luxury handbag buyer like Watch & Wares, who will give you same-day cash in person.
If you want to sell used luxury handbags from your collection, Watch & Wares offers a premium buying and selling experience. We have 30 years of experience appraising and buying authentic designer handbags, from Hermès Birkins to Chanel flaps, so we have the breadth of experience necessary to perform thorough appraisals, guarantee authenticity, and issue competitive prices.
We offer cash same-day for all used luxury handbags we purchase, so you never need to worry about an unsafe or deceptive transaction. Integrity, transparency, and a hassle-free luxury buying and selling experience are at the core of our business practices, so you can sell your used luxury handbags at Watch & Wares Couture with confidence. To find out more about our luxury bag inventory or to schedule an appraisal, give us a call at (714) 633-2030 or fill out our online contact form today. We look forward to assisting you in any way we can.