Buy & Sell Luxury Handbags with Watch & Wares
If you live in or near the city of Orange and you’re looking for a trustworthy place to buy or sell luxury handbags, look no further than Watch & Wares. We have been a reliable reseller of authentic designer handbags and other luxury goods since 1991. From Chanel classic flaps to Hermes Birkins, we boast an impressive collection of pre-loved designer handbags listed for sale at a reasonable price. We are always looking to buy your designer bags, and our thorough appraisal process results in some of the most competitive offer prices in the area. Here’s what to expect if you come into Watch & Wares for an appraisal on your luxury handbag.
Brand Value
The first thing we’ll consider is the designer brand name. Certain luxury brands are worth more than others, so bags by designers such as Chanel and Hermes are going to be worth more than those by brands such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Legacy, demand, and retail value are all considerations when assessing brand value and resale market price. Although we only purchase luxury brands, we’ll still consider the brand’s value within the luxury market hierarchy to gauge value.
Classic & Permanent Styles
Each designer brand has certain bags within its line that are considered classics and are part of their permanent collections. These classic styles never go on sale and, in fact, consistently increase in value over time. For example, the Chanel classic flap used to cost just $2,700 in 2009, and it now retails for more than $6,200 – that’s a 230% increase in value in the last ten years alone. Other classic styles include the Hermes Birkin, Hermes Kelly, and Louis Vuitton Speedy. Bags in classic styles can be resold for much more than trend pieces, and they are often even sold for more than their purchase price. If the luxury handbag you’d like to sell is a classic style, we will be able to offer you more for your item.
Color, Material, & Packaging
Details such as the color, material, and accompanying packaging are also factors in a bag’s resale value. Neutral colors such as black and nude tend to be worth more due to their wide appeal and versatility. Colored bags require a more specific customer and will have a lower demand; therefore they will be worth less on the resale market. The material is also a factor, with rare leathers such as alligator and ostrich skin being worth far more than lambskin or calfskin. Non-leather materials such as canvas and velvet are often worth the least and have the lowest resale value. The inclusion of original packaging and proof of authenticity can also increase the purchase value. If you have the accompanying box, dust bag, purchase receipt, and authenticity card, we can offer you more for your luxury bag than if you have the bag alone to provide.
Although many buyers know that a bag’s condition and level of wear & tear will be a factor in its secondhand value, many may not realize that several other factors must be taken into consideration. It all depends on a variety of factors that our expert appraisers will carefully assess. The combination of these will result in the offer price that we can provide following your appraisal. Bags can be worth virtually nothing, slightly less than their purchase price, or even double their purchase price. Our offers are always highly competitive and often unrivaled. We consistently offer more for your luxury items than other pawn shops and consignment stores in the city of Orange and the surrounding area. To schedule an appraisal or find out more about the inventory we have available, call Watch & Wares – Handbags & Couture at (714) 633-2030 today.