The Advantages of Purchasing A Pre-Owned Handbag

When shopping for a luxury handbag in Tustin, the most obvious choice is often to go to a designer’s boutique. If you want a new Chanel handbag, then the logical place to start would be at a Chanel store. But did you know that Watch and Wares has a full selection of designer handbags from prestigious luxury brands like Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Saint Laurent, Hermès, and more? We buy and sell pre-loved handbags that are in excellent condition, allowing you to enjoy the luxury handbag experience without the drawbacks that can come with it.

The first and most obvious reason to purchase a pre-loved luxury handbag is as a cost-saving move. Depending on the brand, as well as the handbag’s age and condition, a customer can save anywhere from ten to seventy percent when compared to purchasing a brand-new handbag. Similar to cars, most types of handbags depreciate in value over time after their purchase. Of course, this doesn’t mean that a bag that you purchase from us is low-quality or poorly looked after. At Watch and Wares, we inspect all luxury handbags that are brought to us to ensure their authenticity and that they are worth putting on our shelves. It also helps us make sure that we offer a fair price when we sell them. 

Another good reason to consider purchasing a pre-loved handbag is if you are looking for discontinued or hard-to-find styles. Luxury designer brands often produce limited edition runs that have certain features or stylings which can never be purchased first-hand again after the production run finishes. This means you’ll have to search through the pre-loved market if you want to have a chance of finding one for yourself. You may also discover a vintage handbag that you desire that could never be found on a retail store’s shelves today. 

Another good reason to consider purchasing pre-loved luxury handbags is for the opportunity to compare multiple brands at the same time. While some shoppers set foot in a store knowing immediately what they’re seeking, many others enjoy the browsing process and the chance to be surprised by something they had never considered before. Because Watch and Wares offers luxury handbags from multiple designer brands, you can compare different looks and styles side-by-side in person, rather than having to browse the Internet or visit multiple stores. 

Environmental conservation has become a hot-button topic for the fashion industry in recent years, especially for luxury brands. Every new bag produced requires that more metal, leather, stitching, and fabric is extracted from the environment, and this requirement will only grow greater as more consumers enter the market for luxury handbags. If you purchase a pre-owned luxury handbag, however, you will be using resources that have already been extracted from the environment, allowing you to be eco-friendly and sustainable while still enjoying a beautiful handbag. 

At Watch and Wares, you can buy and sell pre-loved handbags from some of the top fashion brands in the industry like Chanel, Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Fendi, and more. Our knowledgeable and friendly sales staff can help you pick out the perfect luxury handbag for your style or offer you a free estimate on any that you might wish to sell. We also offer handbag spas to repair and restore your favorite accessories. With over twenty-five years serving Tustin and the surrounding Orange County area, we are the trusted source for jewelry, handbags, and more. If you’d like to learn more about our offers and services, give us a call at (714) 731-9600.

How To Get Valuable Estate Jewelry Appraised

People can inherit jewelry for a variety of reasons. It may be a favored keepsake, a way to preserve family heirlooms, or even a gift intended to help in times ahead. However, if you’re hoping to sell recently inherited jewelry, it is critical to know exactly how much it is worth. Multiple aspects of a piece of jewelry, such as its manufacturer and the metals used in its creation, can affect its value. Getting jewelry appraised by a trustworthy source in Orange, however, can be difficult if you don’t know where to go.

It takes more than just going to a jewelry store, as almost anyone can claim to be an appraiser. There are no federal or state licensing requirements to appraise jewelry, and simply working in a jewelry store isn’t necessarily an adequate qualification. Most retailers don’t even have the equipment to properly inspect a gemstone and determine its quality. There are industry groups that require members to meet certain qualifications and adhere to a code of ethics, however. Organizations such as the Accredited Gemologists Association, the American Gem Society, Appraisers Association of America Inc, and others adhere to a shared set of standards for appraisal services. Additionally, the appraiser should be a graduate of the Gemological Institute of America, which ensures that they are qualified to identify and grade gem materials. Appraisers also need to be knowledgeable about the current jewelry market to be able to competently appraise estate jewelry. Fortunately, Watch and Wares employs qualified gemologists certified by the GIA, enabling us to fulfill your appraisal needs. 

When properly done, an appraisal should clearly state its purpose, such as estate distribution. It should clearly define and specify the type of value being provided, such as replacement cost, market value, et cetera. It should also specify the date of the appraisal, state any circumstances limiting the performance of the appraisal, describe and depict the jewelry appraised, explain the procedures used to arrive at a value, be signed by the appraiser, and include their contact information. 

Above all, it is important to remember that jewelry value is not a set number. It changes depending on the marketplace, global precious metal and gemstone prices, and the current styles and trends. A necklace worth $1,000 in Los Angeles in 2015 might be only $800 in New York City a year later. 

There are four major standards when it comes to jewelry appraisal:

  • Replacement value: How much it would cost to outright replace the appraised jewelry item with a new one. It is not the value of the jewelry itself, but how much a new item like the piece would cost.
  • Estate retail value: How much an item would sell to someone purchasing used jewelry, with “estate” in this context meaning pre-owned or used. A used piece of jewelry will usually be worth less to the general public than something brand new, barring rare or highly sought-after pieces.
  • Estate wholesale value: This is the price that a business that sells used jewelry is willing to pay for the item. This will be lower than the retail value because the buyer has to add the cost of business to sell an item and still turn a profit on the sale.
  • Intrinsic value: The worth of the raw materials in the jewelry item, such as the metals and gemstones. This is dependent on current market values for said metals and gems, and no value is added for style, condition, brand, market demand, or other factors.

At Watch and Wares, we work to give you a value rate that is not only fair and competitive but also recognizes your emotional attachment to the jewelry in question. We realize that the items people bring to us are often of deeply sentimental value, and in some cases, they are the only mementos they have of their loved ones. We always strive to respect that emotional attachment, both in how we treat our clients and in the rates we offer for the jewelry they bring to us. Additionally, all of our appraisals are obligation-free, meaning you don’t have to sell to us if you ultimately choose not to.

If you live in Orange and would like to get your estate jewelry appraised, consider paying Watch & Wares a visit. Our qualified gemologist can offer an honest and fair estimate for free, and with over twenty-five years of experience serving the Orange County area, we are the best place to sell your fine jewelry. If you’d like to learn more about appraisals or schedule an appointment, call us today at (714) 633-2030.

Benefits & Flexibility of a Collateral Loan

The Christmas season can be an expensive time of year, and you may find yourself in need of some quick cash before your next paycheck comes in. While there are multiple options for sourcing quick cash, they can often be untrustworthy or harm your credit score. With collateral loans from Watch & Wares, however, you can get cash instantly by loaning your valuable items. Collateral loans are a popular option because they offer several benefits and have flexible terms to suit your needs and schedule. 

No affect on finances or credit history 

Many Orange County residents prefer collateral loans because they have no effect on your credit score whatsoever. If you fail to pay back the loan on time, the only repercussion is the loss of the valuable item you pawned. Since we keep this item as repayment of the loan, there is no longstanding debt, continuing interest, or harmful credit effects to worry about after your loan term is up. You also don’t need good financial standing in order to qualify for the loan. Whereas your bank or another lending institution may turn you away due to a low credit score or other ineligibilities, all you need at Watch & Wares is a valuable item that we accept for loans. Whether it’s fine jewelry, a Rolex watch, or precious metals, we accept collateral loans for a wide range of luxury goods.

Lower interest rates

One of the worst parts about needing a loan is the high interest rate that inevitably accompanies it. However, collateral loans have significantly lower interest rates than unsecured loans, minimizing your repayment value. Since secured loans are less risky than unsecured loans, there is a lower APR than with other loan types. Here at Watch & Wares, all of our interest rates are state-regulated, so we’ll never charge you an unfair or inflated rate like other untrustworthy sources.

Generous loan terms

Here at Watch & Wares, we offer extremely generous loan terms that maximize your chances of repaying your loan successfully and redeeming your valuable item. All of our loans are four-month terms with a ten-day grace period. If you need more than the allotted four months, you can renew your loan by paying back the full owed interest rate. Our interest rates are based on the value of the loan, and they’re always state-regulated. If you fail to pay back your loan in full or renew it in the time given, we will keep your collateral as repayment. Our loan terms were created in order to help you repay the loan in a reasonable time frame and keep your valuable item. However, collateral loans are the ideal option even in the worst-case scenario of failing to repay. 

If you need cash fast and have valuable items that you’re willing to temporarily part with, a collateral loan from Watch & Wares is an excellent solution that offers many practical benefits. From low interest rates to generous loan terms and no effect on your credit score, collateral loans are the option that many Orange County residents prefer for sourcing cash fast. To find out more about our loan process or receive an appraisal on your luxury item, visit our Tustin location or give us a call at (714) 731-9600. We would be happy to schedule an appointment for your earliest convenience. We have been serving residents for more than 25 years with 5-star customer service that leaves every patron happy and comfortable with their loan process.

Utilize Watch & Wares Luxury Repair Services

Watch & Wares is known throughout Irvine and the surrounding Orange County area for buying and selling luxury goods, from Rolex watches to designer handbags. However, we also offer top-of-the-line watch repair, jewelry repair, and handbag restoration services. Our unrivaled craftsmanship and decades of experience make us the jeweler that other jewelers and repair services come to for help. With state-of-the-art tools and equipment, we have the ability to fully repair and restore any of your luxury goods so they’ll look as good as new. 

Watch Repair

No matter how high-end your luxury watch is, it will need to be serviced or repaired eventually. Whether you need your battery replaced or you need extensive repair services, Watch & Wares can handle it all. We’ve serviced and repaired thousands of watches over the last 30 years in business, and we’ve become a trusted source of Rolex watch repair for the local community. Our services include battery replacement, polishing & detailing, full cleaning, new gaskets, and water testing. From antique pocket watches to modern Rolexes, you can trust Watch & Wares to repair and restore your luxury watches to the highest standard.

Jewelry Repair

Watch & Wares offer premier fine jewelry repair that you can trust. Our master jewelry has over 35 years of experience with fine jewelry repair, and he’s the man that other jewelers go to for the answers. Whether it’s creating custom pieces or repairing an antique heirloom, we can realize your vision for any fine jewelry piece. We specialize in vintage jewelry repair, contemporary jewelry repair, jewelry polishing & detailing, and custom jewelry creations. Have your diamond jewelry sparkle like never before with our superior craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail. We guarantee a perfect result, with flawless quality over our jewelry repair competitors.

Handbag Spa

A designer handbag often becomes your constant companion, going with you wherever you travel. When you use your luxury handbag regularly, it will inevitably begin to show signs of typical wear and tear. When you notice your luxury handbag looking noticeably more worn than the day you bought it, bring it into Watch & Wares for a day at our handbag spa! Our handbag spa restoration services include cleaning, moisturizing, stain protection, edgewear restoration, color touch-up, odor removal, and more. A designer handbag is an investment that requires care and upkeep to ensure that it retains its value for years to come. Whether you have a vintage Chanel or a contemporary Gucci bag, Watch & Wares’ handbag spa services can restore any luxury bag.

Here at Watch & Wares, our team of trained professionals has been performing watch, jewelry, and handbag repair services for decades. We understand luxury, and we always strive to provide the best service in the Irvine area and throughout all of Southern California. We’re confident that you won’t find anyone better to restore your luxury goods, especially at our competitive price point. To receive a free estimate on one of our luxury repair services, stop by one of our Orange County locations or give us a call at (714) 633-2030 today.

Watch & Wares Luxury Holiday Gift Guide

If you’re on the hunt for the perfect luxury gift to give to a loved one this holiday season, Watch & Wares Tustin has everything you need. From fine jewelry to designer watches and luxury handbags, you can give your significant other or close family member a thoughtful gift that they will treasure for decades to come. Here at Watch & Wares, we’ve bought and sold thousands of items in preparation for Christmastime, and this year we’ve compiled our comprehensive holiday gift guide to assist you in picking out the perfect present for that special someone.

A Rolex Watch

Men can be notoriously hard to shop for, whether it’s your husband, dad, or brother. However, there’s one gift that’s virtually guaranteed to please them all: a Rolex watch. Pre-owned Rolexes make great gifts since they cost significantly less while still in like-new condition. The timeless style of a Rolex also means that purchasing a pre-owned one will offer your loved one the same style they’ve been lusting over, just at a lower cost to you. Styles such as the Datejust or Submariner have stayed largely consistent in design since their first introduction, so if the man in your life has had his eye on a particular style, you can find a similar pre-owned Rolex at a fraction of the retail cost. Rolexes are built to last, so you can rest assured that the impeccable craftsmanship and high-quality parts will resist wear and tear and be functional for decades to come. If you want a luxury gift for him, there’s no better option than a pre-owned Rolex from Watch & Wares.

Gold Jewelry & Diamond Jewelry

A beautiful piece of jewelry always makes a good gift. Whether it’s contemporary or something vintage, picking out a piece of fine jewelry that suits your loved one’s personality and unique taste makes a touching, personal gift that is sure to send them over the moon. Choose from contemporary name brands or one-of-a-kind antique estate jewelry to find that perfect piece that shows you care. Whether you’re looking for a man, woman, spouse, parent, child, or friend, Watch & Wares has an array of gold and diamond jewelry that anybody will love.

Luxury Handbags

If you’re shopping for a woman who loves handbags, Watch & Wares has one of the most extensive secondhand luxury handbag selections in the Tustin area. We sell designer handbag brands such as Chanel, Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Fendi, Givenchy, and Saint Laurent. From the Chanel Classic Flap to the Hermes Birkin bag, we have some of the most exclusive designer handbag styles on the market. Surprise your mom, sister, daughter, or wife with a stunning pre-loved designer bag this holiday season, and send them into the new year in style.

If you’re gearing up for holiday shopping in the Tustin area, be sure to stop by Watch & Wares. Our expansive selection of jewelry, watches, handbags, fine art, and collectibles is guaranteed to help you find the perfect luxury gift for someone in your life. Our friendly and knowledgeable team members will assist you in picking out the perfect piece and provide you with exceptional customer service that can be difficult to find during the hectic holiday shopping season. To make an appointment or find out more about our selection, give us a call at (714) 731-9600. We also accept walk-ins; come visit us on East 17th Street!

How to Sell Your Gold Jewelry for Extra Holiday Cash

The holidays can be a particularly expensive season for Orange residents between buying presents for loved ones and throwing parties for family and friends. When Christmastime rolls around, it’s never a bad thing to have some extra cash on hand. Here at Watch & Wares, we purchase diamond and gold jewelry at highly competitive rates and give you same-day cash for your luxury goods. If you’re seeking some extra holiday cash and you have neglected gold jewelry you’re willing to sell, stop by Watch & Wares in Orange.

Before You Visit

Before you visit any jewelry buyer, you should know which pieces you’re going to sell and what they’re worth. Untrustworthy buyers may try to offer a value far under what your gold jewelry is truly worth in order to get as high a profit margin as possible. Although gold jewelry buyers will always offer slightly under market price due to the expense of reselling, you should always receive a fair value for your luxury item. Do research before visiting and determine what the resale value of your piece is. Speak to a third party with no financial interest in order to gain an objective and fair evaluation of your jewelry. Knowing this value going into the gold buyer’s shop will help you ensure that you’re receiving an offer you’re comfortable with when you sell jewelry.

The Appraisal Process

During the appraisal process, every step should be made transparent. When appraising gold jewelry, there are three factors that are taken into consideration to calculate the value of the gold: the weight of the gold in troy ounces, the purity of the gold in karats, and the current gold spot price. One of our expert team members will take time to measure these factors and determine the current market value of your item. All of our scales are certified by Orange County Field of Weight & Measure to ensure that all measurements are accurate to the industry standard, so you can rest assured that you’re receiving the fairest offer possible.

Why Watch & Wares?

Here at Watch & Wares, we always strive to make the selling experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Our offers never come with any obligation or pressure to sell, and we always offer you fair and competitive prices. Our team members will work with you one-on-one to appraise your item and provide a fair value with no obligation. Our team has decades of experience in the fine jewelry industry and is highly trained to provide exceptional customer service every time. 

If you’re ready to sell gold jewelry for extra cash this holiday season, stop by Watch & Wares and speak to a team member. We’ll appraise your pieces and offer you some of the most competitive prices in the area. We’ve served the city of Orange for more than 25 years, so residents know that they can trust us for fair prices and exceptional customer service. If you’d like to find out more about selling jewelry or make an appointment, give us a call at (714) 633-2030 today. Walk-ins are also welcome!

Which Luxury Handbags Hold Their Value Best?

If you’re a fan of luxury handbags, you may know that some handbag styles hold their value well enough to be called “investment bags”. While handbags are not truly a reliable investment in the same way that stocks or property are, there are several luxury handbags that consistently hold their value or increase in value over the years. If you’re a Tustin resident looking to purchase or sell a luxury handbag and want to make the wisest financial decision, follow this guide on which designer handbag brands hold their value best.


Chanel is arguably the single most famous and most beloved designer handbag brand in the world. Founded in 1909 as House of Chanel, the brand has always maintained its reputation as the pinnacle of fashion and an icon of luxury. Chanel is infamous for its ever-increasing prices, which harms retail consumers but benefits those who want to sell their Chanel bags or are willing to invest in one long-term. Chanel has several styles that are considered classic and which hold their value over time, but none are more famous than the Chanel 2.55, also known as the Chanel Classic Flap. Since the Chanel 2.55 was first introduced in February 1955, its price increase has far outpaced inflation. From 1990 to present day, the pricing has increased exponentially, doubling in retail value between 2010 and 2019. If you’re looking for a timeless style with a guaranteed long-term increase in resale value, there is no safer or more stylish choice than the Chanel Classic Flap.


If budget is of no concern to you, then investing in an Hermès bag will virtually guarantee a good return on investment when it comes time to sell. Hermès, a luxury goods manufacturer founded in 1837, is one of the world’s most valuable brands according to Forbes, and their bags are some of the most sought-after items on the luxury market. Their Birkin and Kelly styles are by far their most famous and will guarantee you the best resale value. The Hermès Birkin bag has become a symbol of wealth in the fashion world due to its exclusivity and exorbitant price. It often has long waiting lists and is often considered the rarest handbag in the world. Its prices range from $10,000 to as much as $300,000 retail, and these prices can increase even more at auction for especially rare items. With the Birkin being such a coveted and iconic bag, it can almost always be sold for more than its retail value. Therefore, investing in a Birkin can be a wise financial decision if you have the money to spare.

Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton is a much more accessible brand to consumers, both through quantity and price. However, it still manages to retain most of its value on the secondhand market. Louis Vuitton is a French fashion house founded in 1854. Its LV monogram has become famous across the globe, and Louis Vuitton is one of the most in-demand designer brands on the market, especially for handbags. Louis Vuitton bags do not have the same exclusivity as Hermes nor the same potential for price increases as Chanel, but Louis Vuitton bags still manage to retain 70% of their retail value on average, making them one of the best brands to invest in. The Louis Vuitton Neverfull is the style that best holds its retail value, available in both the Damier and Monogram Canvas materials first introduced in the late 19th century. This classic appearance that has stayed consistent over the past century and a half is what has made Louis Vuitton such a beloved brand with substantial retail value. 

If you’re a Tustin resident seeking to sell or loan your luxury handbag, come visit us at Watch & Wares. We specialize in designer handbag sales and can offer some of the most competitive prices in the area. To schedule an appraisal or find out more about the designer brands that we accept, call Watch & Wares Handbags & Couture at (714) 633-2030 today.

Whether to Sell or Loan Your Jewelry for Cash

Although you always try your best to be organized and on budget, sometimes unanticipated expenses can arise that you aren’t financially prepared for. When you’re in a pinch and need cash quickly, getting a loan from the bank isn’t always a viable option. This endeavor can be made even more difficult, or even impossible, if you have a low credit score at the time. In trying times like these, Tustin and Irvine residents know that Watch & Wares is an excellent solution for getting cash quickly without any judgment. Selling or loaning your valuables will allow you to get the cash you need without affecting your credit score or becoming beholden to your bank. But which is the best option for you: pawning or selling? Here are a few factors to consider when debating whether to sell or loan your valuable jewelry for cash.

Why You Should Loan

If your jewelry has sentimental value and you don’t want to permanently part with it, a pawn loan is a great option. The biggest benefit to pawning rather than selling is the ability to get your item back in the end. With a Watch & Wares loan plan, you have four months to fully repay the loan; once you’ve done so, you’ll receive your item back in the same condition it was given to us. You also have the option to renew your loan by paying off the interest, allowing you more time to find the money and more opportunity to reclaim your item. 

Another benefit of pawn loans is that your credit score is never affected. If you miss a payment or default on your loan, you don’t need to worry about your credit score dropping. If you fail to repay the loan, we simply keep your jewelry as repayment and the exchange is finalized. Unlike a bank loan, loans through Watch & Wares are a quick process that aren’t dependent on your past financial records and won’t affect your future financial records in any way.

Why You Should Sell

Pawnshops don’t exclusively deal with pawn loans; they also buy and sell jewelry and other valuable items. Watch & Wares is a full-service jewelry store with a wide selection of fine jewelry that you won’t find anywhere else. If you’re seeking quick cash but no longer need your item or don’t want to have to worry about a repayment plan, selling is a good way to go. The main benefit of selling is that you’ll receive a much higher value for your item compared to pawn loans. When stores accept jewelry loans, they have to consider the possibility that the customer will default on their loan and not return for their item. This risk of losing out on cash as well as interest is what causes pawnshops to offer a lower value for jewelry that is loaned versus jewelry that is being sold. If you want as much money as possible from the transaction, selling your item outright will guarantee you a higher value. 

Another benefit of selling is the convenience and lack of hassle. If you don’t need any of the items anymore, why pawn them and have to worry about repayment? Selling your items outright means that you won’t have to worry about payment plans, interest, or defaulting on the loan. Bring your unwanted jewelry in for a one-time transaction, and leave with the cash the same day! 

If you’re an Irvine resident looking for a way to get cash fast, or if you have unwanted jewelry pieces that you’re looking to sell, bring your valuables into Watch & Wares Tustin. Our friendly and knowledgeable team members are always happy to assist you with whatever jewelry services you need. We have served the Orange County area for more than 25 years, so you can always trust us to consistently offer fair and competitive values in a comfortable setting with exceptional customer service.

How the Economy Affects Gold Prices

Gold is a material that is notorious for its constantly-fluctuating prices and the seemingly random rates at which that price changes. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke once famously told Congress that, “nobody really understands gold prices, and I don’t pretend to really understand them either.” The average resident of Orange can’t be expected to comprehend the complicated logistics of pricing gold and the minutiae of economics that affect it. That being said, understanding some of the basic factors that affect the value of gold is beneficial when you want to buy or sell. 

Value of the US Dollar

The value of gold around the world is priced in US dollars, so the value of the dollar has a considerable impact on the price of gold. The stronger the US dollar is, the lower the price of gold will be. When the US economy is weaker and the value of the dollar goes down, the price of gold will generally increase. Everyone falls on hard times, and an economic downturn likely affects you in a way that makes it difficult to hold off on selling your gold for cash if it’s needed. However, if you do want to ensure that you’re receiving the most value for your gold jewelry, it’s ideal to wait for a time when the US dollar is especially strong.

Central Banks’ Gold Reserves

Countries’ central banks, or reserve banks, are the banks that manage the country’s currency, money supply, and interest rates. These banks hold large gold reserves in order to strengthen the nation’s currency, since having tangible assets tied to the currency makes it more reliable. When central banks purchase gold, it causes the value of gold to increase. Recently, Asian and European banks, especially China and Russia specifically, have begun purchasing small amounts of gold, which has resulted in an increase in gold’s value.


Inflation, perhaps surprisingly, has a direct relationship with gold prices. When inflation rises, so does the value of gold. Inflation causes the value of that country’s currency to decrease, and so citizens tend to hold their money in the form of gold rather than a weakened currency. Therefore, when inflation remains high over a longer period of time, gold increases in demand and in price.

Commercial & Industrial Demand

Everyone knows the basic laws of supply and demand: when supply is low, demand will become higher and the value of that object goes up. When the demand for gold jewelry increases and the supply becomes more limited, the price of gold automatically rises in response. Once the demand for jewelry decreases, the price of gold will also decrease. Almost fifty percent of the world’s gold production is used in jewelry, so the values of these two items are very closely linked. If you have gold jewelry that you want to sell, wait for a time when gold prices are higher and the demand is increased in order to receive the best value for your items.

Watch & Wares has been buying and selling gold for more than twenty years, and we’ve established ourselves as the local experts. Orange residents know that when they visit Watch & Wares, they’re receiving a fair and competitive appraisal offer that directly reflects market prices. If you have gold jewelry that you would like to sell for quick cash, stop by Watch & Wares in Orange today or give us a call at (714) 633-2030 to schedule an appointment.

The Advantages of Buying a Pre-Owned Rolex

If you invest in a pre-owned Rolex rather than a brand new one, you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars and secure a bigger return on investment while still proudly owning a piece of timeless luxury. Orange County residents trust Watch & Wares for authentic pre-owned Rolex watches that are in like-new condition. With significant discounts over current retail prices, the pre-loved route is one that an increasing number of shoppers are opting for as they realize that a big chunk of the retail price is just for the retail purchasing experience itself.

#1. Cost Savings

Although Rolex watches can increase in value over time, this is a gradual process that requires holding onto the piece for several years or decades. It also means that the value has increased to be greater than the original retail price at the time of purchase (whether that be last year or 30 years ago); it does not mean that the current value is greater than the current retail price. It takes an exceptionally rare Rolex to be able to sell it for above retail price while it’s still a current season item. Therefore, as a buyer, you are guaranteed to save money if you purchase your Rolex secondhand from a trustworthy luxury watch dealer such as Watch & Wares. If you want to splurge on a luxury item while still getting the best deal you can, choose a pre-owned Rolex in practically perfect condition from Watch & Wares.

#2. Timeless Style

Classic styles are classic for a reason. Unlike trendy, seasonal items, designer brands will continually make their classic models with little to no stylistic changes over time. Classic styles hold their value over time because they continue to look the same every season since their conception. Styles such as the Datejust or Submariner are examples of classic Rolex models that have stayed consistent in design since their introduction to the line. When you purchase a classic second hand Rolex, you can trust that it will continue to stay in style for years to come, making it a worthwhile purchase. No one will notice that you have “last year’s model” or an outdated version; they’ll just admire your beautiful, classic Rolex.

#3. Long-Lasting Quality

Rolex watches are built to last. Part of their luxury appeal is the incredible craftsmanship and high-quality parts that are used to create each timepiece. When you purchase a second-hand Rolex, you don’t have to worry about the wear and tear taking a toll on the device’s ability to function. With reasonable use, a Rolex should last for decades. Like any device, it will require a bit of servicing to keep it in top shape, but every pre-owned Rolex is repaired and restored to full working order before you purchase it, so you can enjoy the watch for years to come. 

#4. Return on Investment

We all know the danger of purchasing a new car: as soon as you drive it off the lot, the value depreciates greatly. The same rule applies to luxury accessories such as Rolex watches. The vast majority of the time, the value of a Rolex will decrease significantly as soon as it’s purchased from the store and becomes a “used” watch. Although some models can continue to depreciate slightly in value over the years, by far the biggest depreciation occurs immediately after purchase. When you purchase a second hand Rolex, therefore, you’re allowing the original owner of the item to take that financial hit for you. By avoiding this immediate depreciation, you’re guaranteeing yourself a better return on investment over time than if you purchase a Rolex brand new. If you invest in a classic model, its value will likely hold or increase over time and you can quite often sell it for even more than you purchased it for, especially if you purchased it at a discounted rate from a reputable dealer such as Watch & Wares.

If you’re looking to purchase a Rolex in the Orange County area, consider a pre-owned timepiece from Watch & Wares. All of our Rolexes are guaranteed authentic and are restored to like-new condition before resale. Be a smart consumer and maximize your return on investment by choosing a pre-owned Rolex today. To view our inventory or find out more about our pre-owned items, give us a call today at (714) 633-2030.